Thursday, October 14, 2010


Hi its kaitlin and we have a assigment about discrimination.If you don't know what discrimination is it is treating some one unfairly becaus of there age, gender,colour is discrimination. Here is a story i just made up for my assigment. There once was a driving test teacher and he would discriminat woman drivers every time a woman would come for thier driving test he would fail them even if they did good.So one day two best friends came in to take the driving test together so the boy went second and the girl went first. The girl did every thing perfect but he failed her. The boy did alright and he passed him. the girl to the driver teacher off and so did hiss boss and he had a chandg of heart . The end if you have any questions about any thing id be happy to answer.

1 comment:

  1. Good job on your post, Kaitlin.

    Next time, be sure to double check all of your conventions (spelling, punctuation, grammar) before you post. Rememeber: I want your very best work!
