Literature Circle Responses

  Copy down a quote from a character and explain why you think it's meaningful. What does it suggest about this character's personality? Personal qualities? Etc. Explain your thinking.
    Sam is the main character in the book and a quote that he says when he is in a temple and everyone is praying to Buddha and he says "It reminded me of the smile on the face of the Mona Lisa." I tink it's important because he knows and is comparing stuff in history and if you dont know your past you dont have a future. It's cool that he young and knows abit of history.

    What were your feelings and first impressions after reading the opening chapters of this book? Explain  

     My first impression of wave is that its okay but thats just because I havent read that much yet but Im finally getting to some good parts. I thought it would'nt be my kind of book at first because of the cover and th Im not really into reading stuff and I read only four books that I have liked. It didn't look like my type so I miss juged it but now I reall like it.